Naše komplexné portfólio LED pásov MASTER, kompletne prerobené
Naša revolučná rada LED pásov MASTER exceluje svojimi výnimočnými vlastnosťami, kvalitou a spoľahlivosťou. Naše unikátne LED pásy s integrovanými prúdovými drivermi priamo na doske plošných spojov sú vyústením našich dlhoročných projektových skúsenosti, meraní, designu, a rozsiahleho know-how a sú v každom detaile prepracované. Vytvorili sme kolekciu ktorá je charakterizovaná skvelými technickými parametrami pri zachovaní rozumných cien. Naše profesionálne LED pásy MASTER sú navrhnuté pre všetky architekturálne a interiérové aplikácie, od dekoratívnych až po vysokovýkonné či vysokoefektívne. Celkovo takmer 30 designov a každý z designov je možné osadiť v 42 rôznych farbách a spektrách, ktoré vyriešia všetky Vaše svetelné potreby. Pri ich návrhu sme brali do úvahy mnoho parametrov, ako napr. životnosť, vysokú inštalovanú dĺžku v 1 kuse, vysokú efektivitu a CRI, teplotný manažment, a iné rovnako dôleité technické parametre.
LED pásy pre architekturálne / Všeobecné osvetlenie
Až 100m LED pásu napájané iba z 1 el. prívodu (zo stredu) vyznačujúce sa minimálnymi úbztkami napätia, skvelou stabilitou, aj vďaka integrovaným prúdovým driverom.
Use : Accent lighting, facade, walkways, bridges, cassinos, Commercial centre, Hotels.
LED pásy MASTER základného výkonu sú ideálne pre bežnú väčšinu aplikácii. 10mm šírka a príjemná hustota LED s bežnou deliteľnosťou. Použitie : Dekoračné osvetlenie takmer pre všetky situácie.
LED pásy MASTER Medium/Power ktoré nepotrebujú chladenie, dosahujú skvelú efektivitu sú skvelé pre bežné no výkonné aplikácie
Použitie : osvetlenie privátne rezidencie, haly, hotely.
LED pásy pre Vysoko-výkonné/husté osvetlenie
High Density LED strips with DECOrative Lm output-due to narrow LED pitch it is ideal for homogenous linear LED lighting in ALU profiles with diffusers.
Use : Diffused LED lines in furniture, facade, walls, signage.
Side-emitting LED strips in specific design to provide high Lm output in non-standard direction, shapeable, with thick power path to allow for minimum power feeds.
Use : signage, channel letter, sculpture and cove lighting.
High Density LED strips with MEDIUM Lm output - it is ideal for homogenous LED lighting with middle power.
Use : Diffused LED lines in furniture, facade, walls, signage.
High density LED strips with POWER Lm output. Small cutability and high density makes it great for cabinet / furniture power lighting, LED luminaires, design lighting.
Lumen matters. Very high Lm output from small and homogenous area, suitable for production of Luminaires.
Use : High power indirect lighting, Commercial centres, Office.
Speciality lighting
Very narrow LED strips for edge lighting Glass, LGP, PMMA, signmaking. Ideal for space limiting applications.
Use : Handrails, shelves, furniture lighting, signage, sculptures.
The only 12V LED strip especially developed to withstand dry sauna hot temperature conditions.
Use : Dry finish sauna, Wellness, automotive, tunning lighting
One of 2 real Constant current design we have, HV High voltage version. Ideal as replacement for rigid LED modules.
Use : Office LED lighting, LED Luminaire production, HighEfficiency
Our second real Constant current design we have, LV 22V Low voltage version. Ideal as replacement for rigid LED modules.
Use : Office LED lighting, LED Luminaire production, HighEfficiency
CCT Adjustable lighting
Designed to allow change CCT with our special patented Constaline design to allow full power to be used on each channel.
Use : Office lighting, facade lighting, signage, sculpture lighting.
Super High power digitally driven CCT adjustable LED strip per pixel - great solution to power up any space with digital effects.
Use : Signage, sculpture lighting, LED luminaires, facade lighting.
Multicolour RGB+W LED lighting
Designed for high density multicolour RGBW LED lighting in superior patented CONSTALINE design providing uniform power to any channel, ideal for diffussed pixel free lighting.
Use : ALU profile wall lighting, sculpture and facade lighting.
Designed for multicolour decorative or power lighting where pixels are not crucial. Great lengths from single power feed, CC IC integrated, BOOST options.
Use : Facade / cove lighting, sculpture object lighting
Super High Density digitally driven SPI RGB LED strips (5VDC) designed for entertainment and decorative lighting.
Use : Signage, Scultpure lighting, Bar and Disco lighting.
Super High Density digitally driven SPI RGB+W LED strips (24VDC) designed for luminaire and high power wall lighting.
Use : Signage, Scultpure lighting, Bar and Disco lighting, Luminaire production.
Digital SPI pixel LED lighting
Super High power digitally driven CCT adjustable LED strip per pixel - great solution to power up any space with digital effects.
Use : Signage, sculpture lighting, LED luminaires, facade lighting.
Super High Density 12mm digitally pixel driven SPI RGB+W LED strips (24VDC) designed for luminaire and high power wall lighting with 154RGB+W LEDs/m (22x pixels/m).
Use : Signage, Scultpure lighting, Bar and Disco lighting, Luminaire production.
Super High Density digitally driven SPI RGB+W LED strips (24VDC) designed for luminaire and high power wall lighting, in modular 22x22mm square shape, 46x pixel/m.
Use : Signage, Scultpure lighting, Bar and Disco lighting, Luminaire production.
248xLED/m digitally driven SPI RGB LED strips (5VDC) designed for entertainment and decorative lighting, 8mm wide. Available in DECO (6.2W/m or POWER 20W/m version.
Use : Signage, Scultpure lighting, Bar and Disco lighting.
The MASTER range will surely satisfy all your demands for high quality lighting, long warranties, beautiful and natural looking colours and the reliability of the whole system, both in the family home and in the commercial centres. To make it even more convenient when choosing the best version, we changed the names into more user friendly names.
DECO means decorative power, POWER means higher luminous power, SUPERPower means highest luminous power. Other aspect is homogenity or density of LEDs, or specific advantages or strong sides of the product which was designed with focus in mind, such as High efficiency, SuperNarrow strip, Long running lines, etc.
Do you need different density, design or SPI protocol? Not a problem, simply contact us.
Technical informations
Product |
LED/m |
Lm/m |
El. Power (W/m) |
Diffused from (mm) |
Single run (m) |
Segment (mm) |
42 |
380 |
1,8 |
20 |
30/70 |
166 |
60 |
410 |
5 |
15 |
20 |
100 |
70 |
1700 |
15 |
14 |
10 |
100 |
126 |
3400 |
28 |
16 |
6 |
71 |
216 |
820 |
6 |
9 |
8 |
27 |
112 |
1300 |
7.7 |
16 |
15 |
62.5 |
226 |
1950 |
18 |
9 |
7 |
27 |
70 |
1510 |
10 |
14 |
16 |
100 |
154 |
800 |
5.3 |
13 |
6 |
45.5 |
60 |
500 |
4.8 |
16 |
12 |
50 |